Business Focus
The Ahtahkakoop Education Team will expand it’s efforts to increase student participation, retention and graduation results. The team will work to ensure it’s First Nations youth seize the competitive advantage of it’s demographics within the labour market by ensuring it’s students are provided with the academic credentials and learning behaviours needed to succeed in post-secondary and trades training institutions. We will work with community leaders to establish new educational goals for the community designed to maximize our Human Resource potential.
Contact InformationDirector of Education: Diane Ahenakew
Education Assistant: Peggy Ahenakew Principal: Shaun Sasakamoose |
Diane Ahenakew
2018-2019 Results
- Enhanced school programming with a focus on school sports (Football Program), art and music, student attendance, special education, practical and applied arts and anti-bullying activities.
- Successful Education Transformation by negotiating and finalizing a service agreement with TSEC (Treaty Six Education Council)
- Full implementation of second level services and exploration of REA (Regional Education Agreement).
- Increased partnerships with local departments to increase employment and to address student retention/parental engagement (IE. Home Liaison Workers, Mental Health Therapists, Mental Health Support Worker).
- Worked with Treat Six Education Council (TSEC) and NIB Trust and Synod of Diocese of Saskatchewan to enhance our education program with a focus on Land Based Learning and Elders programming by creating a Cultural Site, Oskatikak.
- Completed first draft of the Ahtahkakoop Education Act 2014.
- Enhanced data collection for SWOT Analysis and program implementation with TSEC Personnel support.
Short-Term Objectives
- The Education Team will enhance current financial reporting systems and identify access to new funding sources for existing and new education initiatives (ongoing).
- Continue working towards higher student retention (ongoing).
- The Education Team will work with ACFS to address truancy (student attendance and other issues such as bullying).
- The Education Team will work with Inter-Agency Partners to enhance anti-bullying, anti-drug and alcohol strategies.
- Recruit mental health support for our students through partnerships.
- Recruit Community Liaison worker to address student retention and truancy through partnerships.
- Feasibility study for the New School Expansion has been completed; now moving onto the design phase.
- Prepare for the exploration of REA (Regional Education Agreement) and a Treaty Based Funding Model.
Long-Term Objectives
- The Education Team will create a baseline database related to it’s senior students in Grades 10 to 12 performance in categories that include attendance, curriculum and access to post-secondary institutions (on-going).
- The Education Team will ensure Treaty teachings are delivered in all classrooms from K to 12 and lead the retention and revitalization of the Cree language and culture through an expanded program and land-based learning (ongoing).
- The Education Team will promote formal education, lifelong learning, and employment development to assist youth in meeting their maximum potential and contribute to the future needs of the community between staff, parents, students and the school board (ongoing).
- Continue working with the Treaty Six Education Council (TSEC) to enhance our academic programming and to meet academic targets set.
- The Education Team will work in partnership at the interagency level to address and promote community wellness with a student centered focus.
- The Education Team will continue to provide a nutritional program for all students which includes food sovereignty programming.