Leadership Team
Start of Term: June 18, 2021 | End of Term: June 18, 2025
Chief Larry D. Ahenakew
Ben Ahenakew Lanny S. Ahenakew Russell S. Ahenakew Dean Genereaux James Isbister Patricia Isbister |
David Masuskapoe
Chad Peekeekoot Rodney Sasakamoose Stanley Sasakamoose Evan Williams Cindy Williams-Johnstone |
- Promote, protect and enhance the Treaty Rights of the Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation Members.
- Align Ahtahkakoop's organizational development in a manner that strengthens First Nations governance and builds community capacity that will position the Nation and it's people to thrive and succeed in a competitive global economy.
- Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation will maximize opportunities to develop, own and manage it's resources to generate wealth and sustainability for the community and it's members.
- In the spirit of Treaty and as intended by our forefathers, Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation acknowledges that we live in a complex and interdependent society and that it must continue to build and grow strong relationships with other First Nations; Indigenous and non-Indigenous, industry and other levels of governments and organizations to promote it's opportunities, contributions and successes, and to secure Ahtahkakoop's position as a governance and business leader.
- Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation will seize it's competitive advantage by maximizing it's human resource potential.
- Hold in-trust and safeguard existing and acquired property for the benefit of the Ahtahkakoop Band Membership.
- Adopt or develop a Treaty Six position paper.
- Implement a process to begin establishing bylaws.
- Introduce and implement a Governance Policy and Convention Act.