Business Focus
The Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation will provide affordable, adequate housing for it’s members in a manner that meets inspection and safety requirements, including structural, fire, health and safety standards. The Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation Housing Team will deliver the Housing Program to all of it’s members in a manner that is unbiased and transparent.
Contact InformationDirector of Housing: Wade Little
Housing Assistant: Ruby Laviolette Receptionist (Sub Office): Carla Albert |
Wade Little
2018-2019 Results
- Completed 12 RRAP projects.
- Finished Phase 22 housing project (4 units).
- Phase 1 Mortgage has been paid off. The 15 units are now property of Ahtahkakoop.
Short-Term Objectives
- Review the Housing Policy with the membership and have ratified by Chief and Council.
- Update, ratify and communicate the current Housing Policy to reflect current housing challenges and demands (ongoing).
- Develop a Housing Maintenance and Inventory Database.
- Communicate responsibilities to home owners/tenants through workshops (ongoing).
- Educate home owners/tenants on proper home maintenance procedures through workshops (ongoing).
- Begin construction on 4 new CMHC housing units and rebuild 1 burned unit.
- Secure additional funding for new capital housing and renovations (ongoing).
- Develop a scoring/rating system that looks at family size when allocating new housing renovations (ongoing).
- Apprenticeship training for new housing construction (ongoing).
- Annual inspections on all housing units (ongoing).
- Train and recruit individuals for septic installation and maintenance.
Long-Term Objectives
- Monitor the home ownership program.
- Explore global insurance options for Capital Housing.
- Develop a plan to replace or upgrade our aging septic systems (ongoing).
- Lobby for additional funding to replace the aging natural gas furnaces.